donderdag 1 maart 2012

Life Exploit #2

I am more than happy to be able to show you people my very first exploit!
Let's hope we can keep this going for a very long time, and both enjoy it as well.

It all begins in your mind, and can develop  itself into everything you do,
,it can become a natural habit

Life Exploit : Social Engineering #1

Dear readers, we will talk about Social Engineering, or SE, which will be my way of referring to Social Engineering. I will now give you a small intro to SE, and how you can use it to your advantage.

SE, in context of security is simply manipulating other humans, or objects into giving you what you want.
This could mean:
-tricking a friend into telling you the truth.
-having a stranger tell you someone's secret
-make a machine do an action you want it to.
 The possibilities are endless!

I will try to teach you SE, and allow you to follow me in lessons spread over multiple blog posts.
I will also link you to multiple free SE E-books, written by master SE's all for free.

Interested? Keep in contact.

Life Exploit Post #1

Life Exploit, First post

Time to show you guys cool tricks in life, how to get things for free, adn stuff like that.
I will provide each of you with cool images and videos on how to do things, translating complicated things into easy englisch language.

I'd like you guys to actively follow me so i can interact as much as possible with you guys, i'm quite interested into gaming as well, perhaps you guys would like to know this.

Well this was my first post, i promise you all there will be much more to come!

Too long; didn't read: hi.